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Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024
Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024

There is overwhelming "objective" proof that UNLESS we act to Prevent it, Earth dies on July 16, 2024.

Why & How
It started with a theoretical prediction in February 1991. Why Earth has a conservation debt, theory and evidence. My first and astonishingly absolute confirmation of my thought experiment came after talking with Gerald Hawkins, a world famous geometric mathematician on February 10, 1992 about his article Geometric Harvest in the February 1, 1992 Science News. He had demonstrated that several of the early crop circles were elegant proofs of geometric theorems never before published on Earth.

Posted by Dan Friday, July 19, 2013 (18:03:40)
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Proof E-Ts do secret business with USA govt.
Sirius Disclosure Project Eyewitness evidence USA Govt. does face to face E-T contacts. e.g. Over 800 USA govt witnesses who swore publicly before Congress they dealt face to face with E-Ts.

This climate url shows why much of our scientific establishment is corrupt.

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These links deal directly with How to Prevent our Sun from exploding.

How do we prevent our Sun from exploding July 16, 2024

How to find the two conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

This math is required.
How to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi.

Confirming objective reports.
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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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